Wednesday, June 25, 2008

I saw this poster hanging next to a light post in Basel. I would say that this poster is postmodern, but has been slightly influenced by object poster style. I am actually not sure what the motive for this poster is because I can't read the foreign words. I don't know if ANIMATUS is a band, or an animation/design company or anything, but I'm pretty sure that the designer wanted it to be impressive and odd (maybe even a little bit humorous). There don't seem to be any set rules for the grid which adds to the crazy "skeletal duck flying through the air" idea. The imagery looks very flat, besides the figures, who look computer generated. I feel that the font size isn't quite working because it was pretty hard to read the small type due to the height in which it had been placed. Even the little duck men were indistinguishable from a distance. I think it is a little bit short of the 55-5-5 rule but not by much; when I recognized the figures I was pretty enthralled by the imagery. I think it is an attention grabbing poster. The black and white contrast with the blue haze was very attention grabbing. I wish i knew what the poster was trying to accomplish or what it was advertising; I think that it was meant to stand out and I think it accomplishes that goal.  
I saw this poster standee on the sidewalk in Bern in plain sight to those walking past. I think that this poster was mostly influenced by the international style poster. The point of the poster is to get people to go visit the museum, and the design is perfect for doing so. The choice of photo of einstein is hilariously perfect because it shows what a character and interesting individual he was. The choice of font and placement of type only add to the poster. It is a very simple design, but I feel that it does a really good job of advertising for the museum. In fact, I think that it was the type that attracted me to it in the first place. It was bold, and the contrast between the word "einstein" and the white tone of the background was incredibly noticeable and readable from quite far away. Next I saw the picture which made me contemplate whether i should go see more about einstein. I believe that the design accomplished what the designers intended for it which in my opinion makes it successful. 
I walked past this poster at the Brig train station. It was very large in size and situated directly above the station entrance. I felt that this poster was very much a mixture of many movements. It was a modern travel poster, so obviously it received some influence from early swiss travel posters. I also feel that there is a little bit of modern photomontage going on because photos are combined in this poster to get the message across. It is obvious that this scene is not actually taking place so I deduct that more than the use of one photo might characterize this poster as a photomontage even though it is not as obvious as it's early inspirations. I also think that this poster definitely fits the postmodern category with it's concepts, complexity, spontaneity, and disregard for rules in general as it places a modern twist on a combination of old techniques. I believe that the main point of this poster is to get people who wish to travel the country to take trains. They used two huge attractions on the same poster (which two destinations are not close in proximity) and they squished the distance between them like the wrinkling of a floor mat. I thought this was a very clever and interesting way to portray the way the trains can shorten a distance when traveling. The imagery is very complex and I'm sure that they used many, many layers, photos, and some computerized illustrations to enhance the overall image and to create the puckering effect of the landscape. They did a good job with the placement of this poster and the scale as well. It was in a place that tons of people would have to look at it everyday, and it was a large enough scale that is works out perfectly with visibility. I was first attracted to this poster because of the beauty of the scene, then I was impressed by the clever way that they portrayed their concept. I think it is very successful because it is very well done, and uses such strong imagery as to make an impact. I've been very impressed with the BBC posters. They have been around for a while and they have definitely become masters of their trade.